Guitar Music For Beginners – 10 Tracks That Sound Amazing

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Looking for guitar music for beginners? Then look no further! 

In this epic free guitar lesson you’re going to learn:

  • 10 amazing tracks that are guaranteed to make you sound amazing.
  • The #1 tip that will enhance your strumming and musicality.
  • 7 super easy songs which will make ANY crowd fall in love with you.
  • The secret to learning songs quickly.

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Guitar Music For Beginners | The National Guitar Academy’s Top 10

If you’re looking to learn guitar music for beginners, you’re in the right place.

We’ve created a comprehensive guide of 10 of the best guitar songs for beginners.

These lessons have been carefully hand crafted by some of the finest guitar gurus on the web.

Our goal here is to help you learn how to play guitar music for beginners.

Let’s get started.

1) ‘Stand By Me’ by Ben E. King

If you want to learn guitar music for beginners, the best place to start is with ‘Stand By Me’ by Ben. E King.

Here are a few reasons why it’s fantastic to learn:

  • It uses the same four chords all the way through!
  • It’s SUPER simple to learn.
  • The strumming pattern enhances your musicality.
  • It’s a crowd pleaser, everyone loves this song!

If you want to learn this song, you only have to learn 4 chords.

Those chords are:

  • G6
  • Em
  • C major 7
  • Dsus2

Here are the chord boxes for those chords:

guitar music for beginners

To learn how to play this song, watch this video:

To change between G6 and Em, simply move your 2nd finger from the 3rd fret on the low E string, to the 2nd fret of the D string.

You just have to move one finger!

If you really want to nail this chord change, practice changing between G6 and Em.

Watch out for the C major 7 and Dsus2 chords, those changes can be tricky. So spend a bit more time practicing these.

To learn more about practicing chord changes, go here: How To Play Guitar Chords

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2) Songbird by ‘Oasis’

This song is perfect to learn for beginners.

Let’s find out why:

  • It uses two REALLY easy chords, all the way through.
  • Learning this strumming pattern will improves your melodic phrasing and strumming knowledge.
  • It’s one of Oasis’s secret songs, not many people know how to play this one.
  • It’s a great song to practice chord changes.

The chords for this song are:

  • G6
  • Em

guitar music for beginners

(If you don't understand the above image please read our article "How To Read Guitar Chordboxes In 60 Seconds". It will make everything clear!)

You might be surprised to find out that a song can be written with just two chords.

Oasis are masters at creating awesome songs with simple chord progression.

‘Songbird’ is no exception.

Watch this video to learn how to play songbird, Andy will show you how:

The chord change between G6 and Em, is one of the easiest chord changes you can play on the guitar. Have fun with it!

The tricky thing with this song is learning how to play the strumming pattern.

Here’s a quick tip which will help your strumming practice:

  • Practice your strumming pattern with just one chord.

To make practice as EASY as possible, eliminate changing between chords. This allows you to focus on your strumming.

When you’re ready, re introduce your chord changes.

By doing this, you’ll be nailing this song in no time!

To learn more about strumming patterns go here: How To Strum A Guitar 

guitar music for beginners

3) ‘Before You Accuse Me’ by Eric Clapton

This song is a blues classic, if you want to sound like a blues god, learn this song.

Here are a few reasons why this song is fantastic for beginners:

  • It’s one of the most used chord progression in history.
  • You can play 100’s of songs by just knowing this progression.
  • The strumming pattern is a foot stomper!

To play this song you must know these chords:

  • E7
  • A7
  • B7

Here they are:


Watch this video to learn how to play this awesome song:

The great thing about learning a blues progression, is that it can be used elsewhere.

Once you’ve learned how to play it, you can automatically play HUNDREDS of other songs.

Here’s a list of a few classic blues songs which you can play using this progression:

  • ‘Johnny B Goode’ by Chuck Berry
  • ‘Hound Dog’ by Elvis Presley
  • ‘Stuck In The Middle With You’ by Stealers Wheel
  • ‘Route 66’ by the Rolling Stones

To learn more about blues music, go here: Blues Guitar Lessons For Beginners: 4 Awesome Ways To Sound Awesome Quickly


4) ‘Get Lucky’ by Daft Punk

If you want to learn guitar music for beginners, you must learn this song.

Here’s why:

  • This song is a crowd pleaser!
  • The chords are really simple.
  • You get to learn how to use a capo if you learn this song.
  • The strumming pattern is funky and inspiring.

For this song you will need to learn:

  • A minor 7
  • C major 7
  • E minor
  • Dsus2

Here they are:

guitar music for beginners

Get your capos at the ready!

To play this song, you MUST use a capo on the 2nd fret.

We recommend:

Both of these are capos are guaranteed to last for years!

To learn more about capos, go here: How To Use A Capo

How do I play this song?

To learn how to play this song, watch this video:

5) ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz

Even though it was released in 2008, you’d be hard pushed to find someone who doesn’t know the words to this classic.

This is one of the reasons why it’s in our top 10 list of guitar music for beginners.

Here are a few more reasons why you should learn this song:

  • The chords are simple and friendly for beginner guitarists.
  • It’s a great way to enhance your knowledge about genres and strumming.
  • It’s a crowd pleaser, play this at a gig and EVERYONE will be singing along.

To learn this song, you must know these chords:

  • G6
  • Dsus2
  • E minor
  • C major 7

Here they are:

guitar music for beginners

To learn this song, watch this awesome video:

Watch out for the strumming pattern in this tune, make sure you strum on beats 2 and 4.

For example, if we break each beat down.

Usually, we count most songs in music like this:

1 2 3 4

So, sometimes we strum on each of these beats.

However, in ‘I’m Yours’ you’re only going to strum on beats 2 and 4.

Like this:

1 2 3 4