C# Guitar Chord For Beginners

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Want to know how to play the C# guitar chord? We’re going to show you 5 ways to play this chord.

In this free guitar lesson you will learn:

  • 3 quick and easy ways to perfect the C# guitar chord.
  • The no#1 secret to learning chords fast.
  • 2 powerful tips that will take your guitar playing to the next level.

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How do I play the C# Guitar Chord?

Before we learn to play easy versions of the C# guitar chord we’re going to learn the two most common ways to play this chord:

  • The C# Barre Chord (E Shape)
  • The C# Barre Chord (A Shape)

Both of these chord shapes are barre chords.

Top Tip!

If the chord doesn’t say what type of chord it is, assume it is a major chord.

If you see the word ‘minor’ after a chord or a lowercase ‘m’, that means it’s a minor chord.

Whereas if there is no word after the chord, for example ‘C# Chord’, that means it’s a major chord.

For today’s lesson we are going to learn how to play the C# Major Chord.

If you’re not sure how to play barre chords watch this video for some tips:

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C# Guitar Chord (E Shape)

This chord is one of the most common C# guitar chord shapes:

C# guitar chord

To play this chord:

  • Barre your 1st finger across all the strings on the 9th fret.
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 11th fret of the A string.
  • Place your 4th finger on the 11th fret of the D string.
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 10th fret of the G string.
  • Strum all 6 strings.

This chord is tricky, so don’t worry if you can’t play it straight away. This is perfectly normal.

 For guidance on how to play guitar chords, go here: Learn Guitar Chords: A 6 Step Program For Rapid Skill

C# Guitar Chord (A Shape)

This C# guitar chord is based on an A shape.

Barre chords are tricky, so if you’re a beginner don’t worry if it doesn’t sound great the first time. You’ll get there!

C# guitar chord

To play this chord:

  • Barre your first finger on the 4th fret from the A string (5th string) to the high E string. (1st string).
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 6th fret of the D string. (4th string.)
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 6th fret of the G string. (3rd string.)
  • Place your 4th finger on the 6th fret of the B string. (2nd string.)

Easy Versions Of The C# Guitar Chord

Now we’ve looked at the tough stuff, let’s learn 3 super-easy versions of the C# guitar chord.

Hold on tight, it’s going to be awesome!

C# Guitar Chord Version 1

C# Guitar Chord V1

This version is very similar to a Dsus2.

If you already know how to play a Dsus 2, just move it down to the 1st fret.

  • Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the G string. (3rd string.)
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the B string. (2nd string.)
  • Strum from the G string.

Make sure you don’t play the high E string (1st string).

The hardest part about this guitar chord is skipping strings whilst strumming. To learn how to do this, go here: How To Skip Strings While Strumming