The CAGED Guitar System: Unlocking the Fret Board

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Want to learn the CAGED guitar system? We’re going to show you EVERYTHING you need to know about this essential system for guitar. 

In this free guitar lesson you will learn:

  • 5 essential chord shapes that will make you sound amazing.
  • How to learn EVERY guitar chord off of the CAGED guitar system.
  • The secret to unlocking the fret board.

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What is the CAGED guitar system?

The CAGED guitar system is a musical formula which can be used to unlock the fret board.

Each letter in the CAGED guitar system represents a chord shape. Those are:

  • C = C shape guitar chord.
  • A = A shape guitar chord.
  • G = G shape guitar chord.
  • E = E shape guitar chord.
  • D = D shape guitar chord.

Each of these chord shapes are moveable and can be moved around the fret board to create chords in new keys.

The CAGED guitar system is a powerful tool for any guitarist. It’s essential to know if you want to become an epic lead guitarist.

To learn the chords in the CAGED system you must know how to barre chords. Watch this video for 3 quick & easy barre chords tips:


For today’s example, we’re going to keep each chord in the key of ‘C’.

C Shape Guitar Chord

The ‘C’ in the CAGED guitar system refers to the shape of a open C chord. Here’s a C chord:

CAGED Guitar System

(If you don't understand the above image please read our article "How To Read Guitar Chordboxes In 60 Seconds". It will make everything clear!)

Moveable C Shape

This chord can be moved around the fret board. To do this we must learn how to play a barre version of this chord. This chord is in the key of D:


To change the key of this chord, we must change the root note. The root note is the first note in the chord.

Learn more about root notes here:Guitar Notes Explained: A Guide For Beginners

In this case, the root note is on A string. Here are ALL of the root notes on the A string.

CAGED guitar system

To change the key of the chord move it to a different fret.

For example, to play this chord in the key of F, move this shape to the 8th fret.

A Shape Guitar Chord

The ‘A’ in CAGED guitar system, refers to the shape of an A chord. Here’s the A chord:

A guitar chord

Learn to play this chord here: 3 Easy Ways To Play The A Chord On Guitar

We can play a barre chord by using this A shape. Here’s a C barre chord which uses the A shape:


Can you see how this chord uses the A shape within the barre chord?

To change the key of this chord, you must change the root note. To do this, move this chord to a different fret.

If you find it difficult to learn each guitar note on the A string, just concentrate on the:

  • 3rd fret. (C note.)
  • 5th fret. (D note.)
  • 7th fret. (E note.)

Each of these frets refers to your fret markers on your guitar. If you find this difficult to remember, just remember ‘CDE’.

Learning to play the guitar is good for you! Find out how in this article by Guitar Player: 10 Reasons Why Playing Guitar Is Good For Your Mind And Body

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G Shape Guitar Chord

The ‘G’ in CAGED guitar system refers to the open G chord. Here it is:

CAGED guitar system

Learn to play the G chord here: 4 Easy Ways To Play The G Chord On Guitar

We can play a barre chord off of this chord shape. Here’s a G shape guitar chord in the key of C.


Moveable Shapes On The E String

To change the key of this chord:

  • Move it to a different fret.

To do this, you must know what ALL of the root notes are on the low E string. (6th string.) Here they are:

E root notes

For example: To play an A chord (G barre shape), move this shape to the 5th fret. Your 2nd finger must be on the 5th fret for this to be correct.

E Shape Guitar Chord

The ‘E’ in CAGED guitar system, refers to the open E chord. Here it is:

CAGED guitar system

Learn to play the E chord here: 4 Easy Ways To Play The E Chord On Guitar

You can play a barre chord version of this chord. For this example, we’re going to the use the key of C.

C Major Chord (E Shape)

E Shape Guitar Chord

Can you see how this chord uses the E shape within the chord?