Your guitarist type is: ‘Chordist’

You are a special type of guitarist. Your love of music is most keenly felt through chords and chordal progressions.

  • Your chord knowledge will be a crucial element in you enjoying your guitar journey.
  • You are well suited to playing rhythm guitar and you appreciate song composition more than most other guitarists. (If you haven’t explored songwriting yet, this is definitely an area you could consider exploring more.)
  • As a Chordist you have a tendency to overlook scale-based guitar activities and this could make you become a lopsided guitarist.
  • You should try to balance your guitar skills by learning more about lead guitar and theory.

Recommendation 1: Balance your chordal skills with some lead guitar work. This will help plug holes in your fretboard knowledge.

Read our famous free guide ‘How To Play Lead Guitar‘ it will reveal lots of new (& fun) concepts for you!

Recommendation 2: When you’ve mastered open chords you should progress to barre chords and the CAGED system to take your chord knowledge to higher levels.

The Chord Roadmap

1) ​Open Chords are for beginners. (Check my guide out: 14 Easy Guitar Chords For Beginners.)
2) Barre Chords are for intermediate players. (Barre chord guide.)
3) CAGED system moveable shapes are for advanced players. (CAGED guide.)

Remember, learning guitar isn’t a race and ‘talent’ doesn’t matter. Everyone can learn guitar so enjoy each moment of the journey and believe in yourself.

Music is unifying force and a wonderful gift that we can all enjoy! 🙂

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