Spanish Guitar Lessons: 4 Essential Lessons

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Looking for Spanish guitar lessons? Then look no further!

In this free guitar lesson you will learn

  • 4 essential Spanish guitar lessons which will make you sound amazing.
  • The secret to turning normal chords into Spanish guitar chords.
  • 2 must-know Spanish chord progressions that will make you sound like you’re from the heart of Spain.
  • 4 flamenco licks which are guaranteed to spice up your guitar playing.

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Spanish Guitar Lessons – Understanding Technique

Spanish music has produced some of the finest guitar players this Earth has ever seen.

Not only is it super cool, it also sounds epic.

Paco Pena is known for using a variety of different techniques in his playing.

Some of his most popular techniques are:

  • Finger picking
  • Tirando Technique
  • Tremolo Picking
  • Rasqueado Technique

The combination of these Spanish guitar techniques allows Paco Pena to sound unique on his instrument.

In today’s Spanish guitar lessons we’re going to take a look at some of the most popular Spanish guitar techniques.

Check out this video of Spanish guitar virtuoso, Paco Pena. He’s a Spanish guitar great!


A huge part of Spanish guitar playing is based off of finger picking.

If you’re new to this technique, go here: Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons – 5 Easy Ways To Sound Amazing

Let’s take a look at some classic finger style techniques.

Spanish Guitar Lessons – Use Your Index Finger As A Pick

One of the most popular techniques used by Spanish guitarists is to:

  • Use your first finger as a pick.

Rock, pop and blues guitarists use a pick, however Spanish guitarists are finger picking purists.

They like to play EVERYTHING with their fingers.

Let’s take a look at some exercises to help us nail this killer guitar technique.

Spanish Guitar Lessons: Exercise #1

To begin with, use the index finger of your picking hand to strum the strings.

When you strum the strings, push through the strings with your index finger.

Watch this video, to learn how to do this killer technique:


Here’s the tab for this example:


spanish guitar lessons

When using this technique, use the tip of your nail to strum the guitar strings.

However, it’s important not to be too aggressive. Strike with power, but don’t hurt yourself.

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Spanish Guitar Lessons: Exercise #2

In this next of our Spanish guitar lessons, our main focus is going to be on using our first finger to strum upwards on the strings.

To do this, drag your finger tip up against the strings.

Watch this video to learn how do this Spanish guitar technique:


Here’s the tab for this exercise:
spanish guitar lessons


When strumming each chord, make sure your upstrokes are nice and even!

Spanish Guitar Lessons: Exercise #3

In this next exercise, we’re going to combine exercises 1 and 2.

Firstly, strum downwards with your finger nail, after this drag your first finger back along the strings.

Watch this video to learn how to do this technique:


Here’s the tab for this essential one of our Spanish guitar lessons:

spanish guitar lessons

Spanish Guitar Lessons: The Spanish Flick

So far, we’ve just used our 1st finger to strum the guitar strings.

However, to add musicality and rhythm to our guitar playing, we must introduce the second finger.

To do this, we’re going to apply the same technique.

However, this time we’re going to create a percussive sound by using our index and second finger simultaneously.

Check out this cool video lesson where Jack shows you how to play this essential Spanish guitar technique.


Now we’ve covered some essential Spanish strumming techniques, let’s take a look at some Spanish guitar chords.

Spanish Guitar Lessons: How To Play Spanish Guitar Chords

To enhance your strumming technique, it’s essential to learn some Spanish guitar chords.

Here’s a really simple trick which you can use to turn your basic open chords into Spanish chords:

To turn a basic chord into a Spanish chord, move it up one fret on your guitar.

Let’s apply to this to some of the most popular guitar chords:

The E Chord

This is a bog standard E chord:

spanish guitar lessons

Too hard? Check this out: 4 Easy Ways To Play The E Chord On Guitar