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D# Guitar Chord For Beginners

D# Guitar Chord Easy Version 3

This chord is one of the easiest ways to play a D# chord.

Here’s why:

  • It only uses two fingers.
  • You only have to pluck three strings.
  • It has a deep round sound, perfect for creating tension.

D# Chord

  • Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the A string. (5th string.)
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 1st fret of the D string. (4th string.)
  • Make sure you let the G string ring out!

Playing the guitar feels amazing, find out why in this article by Guitar World: 10 Reasons Playing Guitar Is Good For Your Mind And Body

D# Guitar Chord Easy Version 4

The final version of this chord breaches the gap between stepping-stone chords and barre chords.

If you find some of the earlier chords too easy, this chord is perfect for you.

 Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 22.53.40

  • Place your 2nd finger on the 8th fret of the D string. (4th string.)
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 8th fret of the G string. (3rd string.)
  • Place your 4th finger on the 8th fret of the B string. (2nd string.)
  • Place your 1st finger on the 6th fret of the high E string. (1st string.)

As you can see, this chord use far more fingers than the previous versions. It’s great for practicing your dexterity and technique.

Why should I learn easy versions of chords?

Learning easy versions of chords is the best way to boost your guitar progress.

By learning easier versions first, you’re gradually developing your dexterity and technique.

By the time you learn more advanced chords, they will feel super-easy.

The best way to learn guitar chords is to learn stepping-stone chords first, and then when you feel ready ‘graduate’ to more advanced guitar chords.

To learn ‘stepping stone chords’ go here:

14 Easy Beginner Guitar Chords

How To Play Guitar Chords

D# chord

What’s the secret to learning chords quickly?

Here’s a quick chord hack you can use to learn chords quickly and effectively.

Everytime you learn a new chord, squeeze your fretting hand.

This triggers your muscle memory. When you squeeze your hand, you’re teaching your hand to remember the chord.

However, be careful. Make sure that you play the chord correctly, otherwise you will be teaching your hand to remember the wrong chord.

Repetition is key to learning chords quickly, so repeat this hack as many times as possible!

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