3) E Flat Guitar Chord (2 Finger Chord)
If you’re looking for the easiest way to play a Eb chord. You’ve found it!
This chord only uses two fingers and has lots of body and depth. When you play this chord, make sure you don’t play the:
- Low E string. (6th string.)
- B string. (2nd string.)
- High E string. (1st string.)
- Find the 1st fret on the A string. (5th string.) Fret this note with your 1st finger.
- Find the 2nd fret on the D string. (4th string.) Fret this note with your 2nd finger.
- Play the open G string. (3rd string.) This must ring out!
Learning guitar is one of the best things you can do in your life. It’s great for your body and soul. Find out why here: 10 Reasons Playing Guitar Is Good For Your Mind And Body
4) E Flat Guitar Chord (Semi-barre chord)
This Eb chord sits between open chords and barre chords in terms of difficulty.
Here are a few reasons why it’s essential to learn:
- It enhances your technique and dexterity.
- It will make you sound amazing.
- It’s perfect for creating a huge guitar sound with body and texture.
- Find the 6th fret on the D string. (4th string.) Fret this note with your 2nd finger.
- Find the 6th fret on the G string. (3rd string.) Fret this note with your 3rd finger.
- Find the 6th fret on the B string. (2nd string.) Fret this note with your 4th finger.
- Find the 4th fret on the high E string. (1st string.) Fret this note with your 1st finger.
The fastest way to learn guitar chords
The fastest way to learn guitar chords is to learn the easy ones first. This is the best way to accelerate your progress.
When you learn easy chords first, you are progressively developing your finger technique. When you come to learn advanced chords, you will find it SO much easier to play chords.
To start your chord journey, begin with ‘stepping-stone chords’. You can learn more about these chords here:
14 Easy Beginner Guitar Chords
The secret to mastering guitar chords…
The secret to mastering guitar chords is to:
Squeeze your hand EVERY time you learn a master a new chord.
This teaches your to hand to remember the chord. You’ll never forget a chord again if you use this cool guitar hack.
It’s ESSENTIAL that you play the chord correctly. If you don’t, you will be teaching yourself to remember the incorrect chord.
The best way to remember guitar chords is to repeat them as MANY times as possible. Use this guitar trick whenever you learn a new guitar chord.
Here are some other cool-sounding Eb chords
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