The Minor Pentatonic Scale
The Major Scale
When you practice these scales make sure that you pick each note clearly.
To learn more about guitar scales, go here: Learn Guitar Scales In 8 Easy Steps
2) Picking Chords With A Pick
Strumming chords is a great way of enhancing your musicality. If you want to add some texture and dynamics to your playing try picking each individual note in a chord.
Top Tip!
The musical term for picking individual notes of a chord is known as ‘arpeggiating’.
An arpeggio uses the exact same notes in a guitar chord, expect they are played individually. Let’s apply this technique to some guitar chords.
For this example, we’re going to use a G and C chord.
The G Chord
To learn how to read guitar chord boxes, go here:
The C Chord
To learn how to play these chords, go here:
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Picking Challenge #1
This exercise is a fantastic way of breaking up the chords, make sure each you use alternate picking for this sequence.
Here’s the tab:
Picking Challenge #2
This one is tricky, as you’re picking all of the strings.
Make sure that you practice this one ultra slow. It is a pick twister!
Here’s the tab:
Picking Challenge #3
This final exercise is a great way of practicing your alternate picking. In this exercise you’re going to skip each string. This can be tricky, so practice it slowly.
You don’t have to just use this technique on the G and C chords, you can use it on ALL guitar chords.
Want to learn guitar chords, go here: How To Play Guitar Chords: A Beginner’s Guide
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Bonus Pick Trick!
The final pick trick we’re going to learn is how to pick slide. This technique is great for adding tension to your playing.
It’s also SUPER easy. Watch this video to learn how to pick slide:
For more electric guitar tricks, go here: Guitar Tricks: 23 Secrets Every Guitarist Should Know
Why Is Learning How To Hold A Guitar Pick Useful?
There are many reasons as to why learning how to hold a guitar pick is useful. Let’s run through some.
1) Using A Pick Makes Guitar Playing Easier
Without a guitar pick, playing the guitar can be difficult.
If you’ve ever heard someone strumming a guitar with their thumb, you’ll know that it sounds messy.
When you first use a plectrum it will feel strange for the first few hours. However, after you’re passed this period, it WILL feel easier.
Learning how to hold a guitar pick, allows you to:
- Strum the guitar properly.
- Pick single note lines.
- Sound amazing!
Think of the pick as a progress accelerator. Learning how to hold a guitar pick makes everything easier.
2) Using A Pick Makes You Sound Better
With the use of a plectrum, you now have access to a whole variety of sounds.
You can manipulate whether you want the guitar to be, loud or quiet. You can choose whether you want to strum all the strings, or just one or two.
As a result of this, it makes your playing far more versatile and allows you to sound better.
3) Learning How To Hold A Guitar Pick Enhances Your Technique
Using a plectrum, opens up a whole new world of possibilities. With a plectrum, you can now alternate pick, sweep pick, pick individual notes and pick slide.
There’s plenty more things you can do with a plectrum, the options are endless.
4) Using A Plectrum Enhances Your Musicality
Without a plectrum, you can’t strum the guitar. Strumming technique adds musicality to your chords and makes your playing come alive.
Strumming the guitar without a plectrum is difficult, why would you make it harder for yourself?
Pick the easy option and use a plectrum.
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