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Guitar Learning Software – 8 Best Platforms

Home > Resources > Guitar Learning Software – 8 Best Platforms


Want to learn what the best guitar learning software is? Then look no further!

In this free guide, we’re going to show you:

  • 4 essential tips and tricks that will help you find the best guitar learning software
  • The no1 secret to learning the guitar quickly.
  • Why learning to play guitar via software is one of the best ways to learn to play guitar.

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Why Should I Use Guitar Learning Software?

Guitar learning software can be a powerful tool and is one of the fastest ways to learn guitar.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to use using guitar learning software:

  • It’s easily accessible!
  • Most of the time online guitar content is free.
  • You can learn from your own home.
  • You can learn at our own pace.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you may want to learn the guitar through this media platform.

In this free guide, we’re going to give you a run down of the 8 of the best options on the internet.

Guitar Learning Software #1 The National Guitar Academy

The National Guitar Academy is one of the best places to learn how to play the guitar.

Here on this website, we have a range of guitar learning software from free to paid.

The course we currently offer is called ‘GuitarFire’, this covers a range of topics such as:

  • How to play guitar chords
  • How to play lead.
  • How to strum with rhythm and muscality.
  • Guitar theory and musical keys.

If you’d like to get started with our free courses or learn more about ‘GuitarFire’  please join our mailing list.

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Guitar Learning Software #2 Yousician

If you want to learn how to play the guitar, yousician is a a fantastic piece of guitar learning software.

The main focus of Yousician is that the app teaches you to play guitar.

Once you’ve perfected a technique you get feedback and commentary on how well you’ve done.

Within the app, there’s a variety of topics available for guitarists of ALL levels.

As this piece of guitar learning software is designed for mobile devices, you have complete versatility of where you can learn.

Want to learn more details about Yousician? Go here.

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Guitar Learning Software #3 JamPlay

JamPlay is a fantastic source of guitar learning software. They have a wide range of video lessons from some of the world’s best guitar teachers.

Whether you want to learn how to play country guitar, metal or even blues.

There’s a wide range of tuition material which is suitable for every guitarist.

To access JamPlay, you can either pay on a monthly basis or for a yearly membership.

Although JamPlay’s tutors are of high quality, one of the downsides to JamPlay is that a lot of the free material is based off of videos.

If you want to access higher quality content such as tablature and chord sheets, you must pay for it.

If you think JamPlay might be the right guitar learning software for you, go hereJamPlay

Guitar Learning Software #4 Guitar Tricks

Guitar Tricks is one of the best places online to learn how to play the guitar.

One of the main reasons why Guitar Tricks is so useful for guitarists is because each of their courses are structured very clearly.

If you’re a beginner or advanced guitarist, Guitar Tricks will put you on the right path to take your guitar playing to the next level.

One of the best things about Guitar Tricks is that all of their teachers are specialists in their chosen field.

You won’t find any YouTube amateurs here, all of the teachers are HIGH quality.

To learn more about guitar tricks, go here:Guitar Tricks

Guitar Learning Software #5 Ultimate Guitar

If you’ve ever looked for guitar tabs on the internet, you’ve probably landed up on the Ultimate Guitar website.

One of the best features of their website is the ability to learn tabs interactively.

For a small subscription a month, you are able to:

  • Learn guitar tabs at ANY speed.
  • Learn tabs in ANY key.
  • Learn almost ANY song.

Ultimate Guitar have really upped their tab game over the last few years.

guitar learning software

The only criticism of this website is that it isn’t very tuition based, all the software is geared towards learning music via tab.

Although this is great for guitarists, here are a couple of reasons why it might not be the best idea:

  • Learning guitar via tabs can lead to bad technique.
  • Tabs don’t teach you how to develop your musicality.
  • By learning tabs you miss out on fundamentals of guitar playing such as chords, lead & strumming and musicality.

Even though the guitar learning software on this website is perfect for learning guitar tabs, it’s not the best for learning how to play the guitar.

Want to find out more about Ultimate Guitar? Go here: Ultimate Guitar

Guitar Learning Software #6 JustinGuitar

Justin Sandercoe aka ‘Justin Guitar’ is world renowned for being one of the best YouTube guitar teachers out there.

Although his website is based off of video content and tabs, it’s a great resource for any musician who wants to learn to play the guitar.

Recently, justin has ventured into the world of guitar learning software apps.

His latest appThe Justin Guitar Beginner Song Course’ is a fantastic resource for learning guitar songs.

Watch this video to learn more about this cool app:


If you want to learn how to play guitar songs, this app is perfect.

Want more information about JustinGuitar? Go here: JustinGuitar | Free Guitar Lessons

Guitar Learning Software #7 Jam Track Central

If you want to learn how to play lead guitar, Jam Track Central is one of the best places to go on the web.

On Jam Track Central you can learn about:

  • Guitar techniques.
  • Lead guitar Playing.
  • How to play specific songs from shred gods.

As well as this, with most lesson packs you get high quality backing tracks which will help take your guitar playing to the next level.

Jam Track Central is perfect if you want to learn how to play lead guitar, however there isn’t much content about chords or rhythm playing.

One of the big pros about Jam Track Central is that a lot of their material is written by virtuoso guitarists such as Guthrie Govan, Martin Miller and Andy James.

If you want good quality tuition about lead guitar playing, visit their website here: Jam Track Central

guitar learning software

Guitar Learning Software #8 LickLibrary

Lick Library is one of the largest resources of guitar tuition on the web.

The main premise of Lick Library is that they teach you how to play note to note versions of popular songs from artists such as Van Halen, Muse and Pink Floyd.

Their tuitional material covers a wide range of genres available at all skill levels.

Lick Library cover everything from gear demos, tuition DVDs and they even have their own online magazine.

Whether you’re beginner guitarist or an advanced player, there’s something for everyone within their plethora of teaching material.

One of the best things about Lick Library is that they are VERY interactive with their audience.

Often you can connect with Lick Library via live stream on YouTube or even with other members on their own personal forums.

If you want to learn more about Lick Library, go here: LickLibrary

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  • Beginner Song library with chordsheets, tabs and tips. (Songs suitable for all levels!)
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