Our Ultimate Guide To Finding Cheap Guitar Lessons

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Looking to learn guitar but don’t want to break the bank? We’ve got just the lesson for you! Let’s scout out some cheap guitar lessons for you.

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In this free lesson you will learn…

  • The different types of lessons available online
  • The best places to look for cheap guitar lessons
  • How to stay organized with your guitar resources
  • Where to start looking for cheap guitar lessons

Cheap Guitar Lessons Aren’t That Hard To Come By!

If you’re in the market for a teacher, you’ve got a whole lot of options at your fingertips these days.

Now more than ever, it’s super-easy to find the resources and tools you need to either learn on your own or with someone else online.

You can even take lessons with some of your favourite guitarists if you DM them on social media and ask nicely enough.

With all of these resources available to us, it can lead to option paralysis quite quickly when it comes to finding the best source for effective and cheap guitar lessons.

In this lesson, we’re going to outline all the best places for you to look in order for you to get the most out of your guitar experience without breaking the bank.


Before We Discuss “Where,” Let’s Talk About The “What”

If you’re a new guitarist, the internet is going to seem like a gigantic network of musicians all telling you that they know the “best & most effective way to learn guitar.”

To be honest, most of them do – but this doesn’t help us narrow down our options.

We need to find the platform that’s right for us, with cheap guitar lessons that are effective.

Some of us need a one-on-one guitar teacher that will meet with us once a week either online or in-person in order to really progress.

Others prefer online courses and books. Everyone is different!


Cheap guitar lessons online come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Video courses
  • E-Books
  • Zoom lessons
  • Group lessons (usually where access includes a closed Facebook group where students can discuss what they’ve learned amongst themselves)

It’s up to us to determine what the best course of action is for our own education, so let’s look at these different options up-close by examining what the pros and cons are of each.

Ready to dive into today’s lesson on cheap guitar lessons? Scroll down and let’s get started.


Cheap Guitar Lessons #1 – Online One-On-One Lessons

The best option for those players looking to get one-to-one access to a teacher, online guitar lessons give us the comfort of playing from home while getting the confidence of a personal instructor.

Typically these cheap guitar lessons are cheaper by comparison to having a teacher come to your home (or going to their studio) as they don’t have to charge for gas or for the cost of running a studio (if they have one).

Many online guitar teachers will package in downloadable PDF guides that sum up your lessons, so you always have material to review before and after your lessons.


If you’re looking for cheap guitar lessons and you still want a personal teacher, online lessons on your favourite video platform are the way to go.

The Upsides:

  • Quality guitar lessons from the comfort of your home, online
  • Typically come with downloadable takeaways to promote practice outside of lessons


  • You’re at the mercy of your internet connection if you aren’t running high-speed internet.

Although online guitar lessons won’t be for everyone, they will certainly do some people a lot of good when it comes to finding cheap guitar lessons that are effective at helping teach them the fundamentals.

Pro Tip: If you’re interested in online guitar lessons with a specific instructor, look up reviews from other students to get a feel for how they teach ahead of time.


Cheap Guitar Lessons #2 – E-Books

E-books are everywhere, in varying lengths.

Some are short, spanning only a few pages, while others are long and extremely detailed.

E-books are an amazing form of cheap guitar lessons in that they usually cover one specific topic that will help you advance in that area.

This makes them optimal for the guitarist who is trying to work on one particular thing in their practice regimen (i.e. chords, scales, etc.)

If you’re looking for cheap guitar lessons on specific parts of guitar playing, these are what you’re looking for.


The best part about e-books? Many of them are free! You don’t even need to worry about cheap guitar lessons when you can get them free of charge.

Many guitar instructors will offer e-books in exchange for a mailing list signup where they can send you more free instructional material.

As a matter of fact, if you’re looking for e-books, we’ve got a few of our own that you might be interested in.

Our free guide to stepping stone chords is one that’s heavily demanded by many players, and you can get your own copy here:

Learn 12 EASY beginner chords with our popular guide

  Stop struggling. Start making music.

  Learn beginner-friendly versions of every chord.

This is our most popular guide and it will improve your chord ability quickly! 😎

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Cheap Guitar Lessons #3 – Video Courses

We may be biased, but we absolutely love video-based guitar courses.

These courses are designed to be revisited over and over again in order for you to have a constant resource to learn from, and many do a great job of it.

Video courses come in all different forms – some will teach you the entire foundation of guitar playing in a single course, while others prefer to break up teaching points into different courses to offer a more focused perspective on the topic at hand.

The choice is yours as to what works best for you and your learning style.


Many video courses have a reviews section on their website where you can see how other players have fared with the content being offered before you spring for it yourself.

Pro Tip: Reviews are important when it comes to making online purchases. If someone wasn’t happy with what they bought, most often they will express that in no uncertain terms.

Not all cheap guitar lessons are created equal, that’s for sure – this is why it’s important to read reviews to make sure that the lessons you’re looking for are right for you!

Research is the most important tool you can have when it comes to finding the right kind of teacher and platform – the more you know going in, the better you’ll fare – much like the guitar itself!


Cheap Guitar Lessons #4: Books!

“Wait a minute – you mean like, real books?”

Absolutely. Guitar books are still being published regularly to this day, and there are so many good ones out there designed for every level of guitar player from day-one beginner to seasoned professional.

Although not all of them are cheap to buy brand new, many of them are cheaper to buy via digital download.

If you have a tablet or e-reader, you can save the printing costs and purchase it straight to your device!

Amazing, right? A whole library of guitar books and cheap guitar lessons on your portable device. What a time to be alive!


Pro Tip: Look out for free material online and put it all on one device – this way, you’ll have access to a multitude of different instructional books and booklets on a portable device that you can take anywhere!

It’s important to note that sometimes, cheap guitar lessons might get you a bit less value than some of the more higher-ticket guitar classes out there.

If we stay organized and put all of our resources that we’ve collected together, we can create a mini-library of our own that will teach us all sorts of things.

We can pack so much information inside our devices these days that it only makes sense to fill them up with beneficial information that will push our passion forward.

If you want a short book to start your digital book collection, click here and we’ll send you one for free. (insert hyperlink to mailing list signup for Stepping Stone Chords PDF).


Cheap Guitar Lessons #5: How To Determine The Right Learning Platform For You

Education is a personal endeavour at any stage of life, and if there’s one thing we can agree upon it’s that we all learn in different ways.

With that being said, it’s important to try things out to see what works best for you.

Of course nowadays when we start learning to play guitar, the first place we go for cheap guitar lessons is YouTube – but this isn’t always the best choice.

Why? Because there’s no structure. We’re simply left to fend for ourselves in an overwhelming sea of information. When we don’t know what to look for, that doesn’t work as well as we’d like it to.

Of course, we do like to think that our YouTube channel serves as a pretty good launchpad for beginner guitarists, so you could always start there!


Pro Tip: Don’t expect to ‘learn’ your learning style right away – it’s going to take time for you to figure out how you best learn on guitar. In the meantime, exploring different formats of cheap guitar lessons is super beneficial.

Not only does it give us a wide variety of material to learn with, but we don’t have to break the bank in the process either. Pretty awesome, right?

If you find a resource from someone in particular online that you really like and benefit from, make sure to follow that person! Chances are, they’ve got more material that will aid in getting you to where you want to be as a guitarist.


Download our lead guitar cheat-sheet to make things easier

It's hard to understand which scales work with which keys.

So we created a cheat-sheet! A key and scale-finder that you can use again and again.

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Get a custom guitar-learning plan here: Click here for GuitarMetrics™

World-Class Guitar Courses 🌎

Learn from the world's best guitar educators: Click here for our guitar courses

Cheap Guitar Lessons #6: Utilizing Your Email Inbox

You read that headline right – your inbox.

This one isn’t something that a lot of people think of when they think of cheap guitar lessons, but you can turn your inbox into a wealth of free content that will help push you forward as a guitarist if you look in the right places.

Many online guitar instructors (ourselves included) use mailing lists to send out free instructional content to their subscribers on a regular basis.

Why? Because we’re passionate about delivering beneficial material to the people that look to us for advice. It’s a responsibility we personally don’t take lightly.


We aren’t the only ones, though! Many guitar instructors do the same type of thing.

If you can find a guitar instructor online that you enjoy hearing from, register for their mailing list and odds are you’ll hear from them often.

This is a great technique for collecting loads of cheap guitar lessons using only your email address.

Will your inbox be full of free lessons? Yes.

Will you eventually be overrun with them? Probably.

Is that a bad thing? Not really, honestly.

Pro Tip: If you’re going to go this route, we recommend making a folder in your inbox so that the front of your inbox isn’t loaded up with cheap guitar lessons. Nobody likes looking at a stacked inbox, let’s be honest.


Where Can We Start Looking For Cheap Guitar Lessons?

Anywhere online, really! Start on Google and go from there, there are plenty of resources online that will start to point you in the right direction.

Social media is also a great place, where many instructors will advertise their educational services for you to check out.

If you’re looking for cheap guitar lessons, you’re technically already in the right place however.

We host a whole load of free content just like this right here on our website, and because we love you and want to see you succeed as a guitarist, we’ve prepared a list of some of our most essential resources for you to learn. Click here to check it out.

Search engines are your friend, and there is plenty of content out there that can be found through them.

If you’re looking for cheap guitar lessons, start by using that as a keyword on Google and see what comes back! You might be surprised.

Pro Tip: It’s important to stay organized when seeking out information for yourself, so make a folder on your computer where you can keep all the info that you collect.

Organizing this folder into sub-folders will help as well, making sure that everything is in its right place and can be easily accessed.

Cheap Guitar Lessons Are Everywhere!

All you need is a laptop or any device connected to the Internet, and you have a world of resources at your fingertips to help you learn to play this glorious instrument without doing damage to your savings account.

If there’s one thing we can recommend, it’s to start with mailing lists in order to gather some great beginner info.

We’ve also got all sorts of resources available for you right here on our website, so make sure you stick around to get the most out of all of our free content!

Recommended Resources

If you loved this lesson on where to find cheap guitar lessons, you’ll love the other free guitar lessons we’ve got right here on our website:

What Type of Guitarist Are You?

Take our 60-second quiz & get your results: Take The Quiz

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