How much are guitar lessons?

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How much are guitar lessons? What’s the typical price for hiring a local guitar teacher? (And what else should you consider?)

In this quick guide you’ll learn:

  • 2 fast and easy tips to help you find guitar lessons that are perfect for you.
  • The One Big Secret to saving money on guitar lessons.
  • The REAL costs of guitar lessons (including offline vs online guitar lessons).

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So how much are guitar lessons?

People sometimes email us and ask ‘How much are guitar lessons in City X?’ or ask us to recommend a teacher/course/programme.

The answer to all of this depends on what you’re looking for, your budget and what you ultimately want to achieve. Let’s dive in!

Typical guitar lesson prices

The price of 1-to-1 guitar lessons varies between $18-$75 per hour. (In the UK it’s between £15 and £60 an hour.)

At the low end of the scale: You may be able to find a teacher who will teach you 1-to-1 at rock-bottom prices, but honestly, if you’re paying $18 / £15 per hour for a guitar teacher, the lessons may not be that great.

At the high end of the scale: If you’re paying $75 / £60 an hour for a guitar lesson, you should expect the quality of those lessons to be very high.

The average cost: The vast majority of hourly 1-to-1 guitar lessons sit somewhere around $25 / £20 per hour.

…but consider the length of the lessons carefully

When wondering ‘how much are guitar lessons?’ it’s important you consider the lesson length. The typical lesson durations are:

  • 1 hour
  • 45 minutes
  • 30 minutes

The length of the guitar lesson affects the price, so make sure you factor this in when choosing a teacher.

Discounts and Bulk Deals

Some guitar teachers will offer discounts if you book lessons in advance, or in blocks.

For example, if you book 5 lessons in advance, you may get the first lesson free.

Make sure you ask about bulk lessons and discounts when looking for lessons. Don’t be shy! Ask “how much are guitar lessons if I book a block of 4, 6, 8, 10 lessons?”

how much are guitar lessons

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What about other types of guitar lessons?

Remember that 1-to-1 guitar lessons are just one way to learn guitar. There are plenty of other options you can consider.

So how much are guitar lessons for you if we alter the format of the teaching?

Skype Guitar Lessons

Now it’s possible to have guitar lessons straight from your phone, tablet or computer. Skype is a great way of communicating with a guitar teachers from all parts of the globe.

Geography needn’t be a barrier. This is so cool!

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What About Guitar Courses?

Remember that how much are guitar lessons for you will depend mainly on the setting of the instruction.

Being in a room with a teacher 1-to-1 will almost always be the most expensive setting!

Many guitar tuition websites (including this one) offer guitar courses.

Websites like JamPlay & GuitarTricks offer a $20 a month subscription, which gives you unlimited access to all the content on their website. This is certainly cheaper than going down the 1-to-1 route. (Thought there are pros and cons to both methods.)

What about our course?

We open registration only once or twice a year for our main guitar course, which is called “GuitarFire”. It’s a complete learning system. A platform that takes people from beginner to advanced. It costs more than a 1-to-1 lesson, but there’s dozens of hours of lessons to it’s much better value.

If you want to be notified when registration for GuitarFire opens, join our email list.

Guitar Workshops

Some guitar teachers offer open workshops where various ages and abilities are welcome to come and learn guitar. This can be a fresh and exciting way to learn about guitar playing and if you’re worrying about how much are guitar lessons this can be a good way to offset the cost.

Guitar Retreats

A guitar retreat is a 2 – 5 day intensive guitar tuition programme which takes place at a holiday destination.

So when you ask the question “how much are guitar lessons?” you must bear in mind that in a setting like this you can get many hours of teaching. So even though the up front cost might seem high, the cost-per-hour can be very low.

A guitar retreat is a great way of improving your guitar knowledge in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Guitar retreats are priced between £600 – £1200. ($738 – $1476) Although this seems expensive, each day is filled with guitar tuition, plus food and accommodation are usually provided.

how much are guitar lessons

Real World Guitar Lessons vs Online Guitar Lessons

You might be wondering, What’s better, real world guitar lessons or online guitar lessons?

Real World Guitar Lessons – Pros

  • Lessons are more engaging because you have feedback.
  • You can jam with your tutor.
  • You can develop a personal relationship with your tutor.

Real World Guitar Lessons – Cons

  • Lessons are expensive.
  • You may have to travel (far) to find a good teacher.
  • Adds an element of accountability and ‘scrutiny’ that some people don’t enjoy.

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Online Guitar Lessons – Pros

  • About 90% of online guitar lessons are free.
  • No pressure or scrutiny. You can practice whenever you want. At your own pace.
  • Wide range of topics available.

Online Guitar Lessons – Cons

  • No personal tutor relationship.
  • You have to motivate yourself to practice.
  • Online guitar lessons can be hard to follow and the teaching quality can be poor.

Try some world-class online guitar lessons: Head over to our lessons page and get started.

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