Let’s have a look at some of the best spots to find beginner guitar lessons online so you can thrive on guitar!
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In this free lesson you will learn…
- The best places to find beginner guitar lessons
- How to use search engines to find what you’re looking for
- Why mailing lists and Facebook groups are so amazing for learning
- How to spot “great content”
- The five questions you should ask yourself when evaluating guitar lessons online
Where Can We Find The Best Beginner Guitar Lessons Online?
When we start out playing guitar, we’re immediately bombarded with guitar teachers on the internet advertising their “one easy method” for learning the guitar.
That can get pretty stressful, and it makes learning the guitar less of an enjoyable experience.
What we need to do is identify the best beginner lessons online so we don’t have to spend hours sifting through search results and YouTube videos.
We at National Guitar Academy pride ourselves on having some of the best beginner guitar lessons online, but we’ve got a lot of them.
In this lesson, we’re going to map out a pathway for your beginner guitar experience with lessons from our website, as well as some of our best YouTube videos.
Don’t get it twisted, though – we’re not just throwing in lessons that we’ve created. Later on in the lesson, we’ll link to a few of our favourite online guitar teachers so that you can see what other people offer as well.
Ready to make a clear path for your learning with some of the best beginner guitar lessons online?
Scroll down and let’s get started.
Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – Finding The Right Content
There’s an art to teaching and explaining the fundamentals of guitar.
On top of that, everyone’s needs are different when it comes to how they learn – some folks prefer video examples of the things they learn, while others prefer written content and so on.
This is why we like to provide all of the above with our beginner guitar lessons online – so that different students can have the learning experience they need, rather than simply the one that we offer.
As you progress with your own musical education, you will quickly find that you develop a preference for specific learning platforms and styles. Take note of what they are so you can learn more comfortably!
If you’re looking to narrow your search for beginner guitar lessons online, here are a few questions that you can ask yourself when reviewing a lesson from any online guitar teacher’s library of content:
- Do I understand the lesson based on how the teacher explains it?
- How many questions am I left with after the lesson that I now need to find answers to?
- Does the teacher explain the concept in detail, or are they skimming the surface?
- Do I feel fulfilled and accomplished after completing the playable material from the lesson?
- Do I feel confused at the end of the lesson?
Learn 12 EASY beginner chords with our popular guide
Where should we send it?
✅ Stop struggling. Start making music.
✅ Learn beginner-friendly versions of every chord.
This is our most popular guide and it will improve your chord ability quickly! 😎
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Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – Using Search Engines
At this point, we’re all (at least) somewhat familiar with how search engines work – but they’re getting smarter every day lately.
Search engines can not only find information for you, but they can now also answer direct questions asked of them by compiling the most detailed and accurate answers relative to your inquiry.
This means spending less time searching for the right answer to those burning guitar questions in your mind.
Try This: Think of a question you have in regards to guitar playing, and type it into Google.
The most popular answer will populate at the top of the page – this is called a snippet, and it’s super useful!
Search engines are one of the best tools you can use to find beginner guitar lessons online, as well as just about everything else.
Whether you’re an absolute beginner just trying to find your way or an intermediate to advanced player who’s trying to tighten up their screws, you should start by looking for answers on your favourite search engine.
Pro Tip: The way you search for things makes a huge difference online. Always make sure to ask specific questions or use specific keywords to get as close to your ideal answer as possible.
For example: Instead of searching for “how to play guitar,” try searching with a keyword like “best beginner guitar lessons online.”
Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – Right Here!
Call us conceited, but we’re pretty big fans of the work that we do here at National Guitar Academy.
Our website is packed to the brim with beginner guitar lessons online that are designed to take you from Day 1 to Day 1000 and beyond.
Whether it’s chords, scales, songs or theory; we’ve got plenty here to keep you occupied for days on end.
We pride ourselves on detailed explanations that leave zero stones unturned, so click here to head to our front page and see what beginner guitar lessons online would be right for you!
Want a tried-and-true set of lessons to get you off on the right foot as a beginner guitarist?
We took the liberty of assembling some of our best beginner guitar lessons online for this article to help get you sorted.
It’s important to have a pathway to help you build a good practice routine, so do yourself a favour and click here for our “Guitar School” series of beginner guitar lessons online.
Pro Tip: Get yourself a notebook for this series of lessons so you can keep up with everything you’re learning and take notes. You’re going to want to have references for later.
Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – YouTube Video Lessons
Video-based education is quickly becoming a new normal for many of us, but it’s an incredibly accessible means of learning to play guitar.
We love filming video content for YouTube because it gives us a chance to explain things from different angles rather than just through text and images.
When it comes to topics like re-stringing your guitar or strumming, it helps to have a visual representation with a good narrative to help guide you along.
Video lessons are practical and extremely accessible nowadays, making them ideal for almost every type of student.
The big advantage of online video content is being able to see exactly what’s happening with an instructor in front of you. This is the closest we’ll get to having a personal instructor giving us beginner guitar lessons online or in person.
Every instructor is a little bit different with how they approach teaching guitar, but you’re bound to find someone who’s teaching style resonates well with you.
If you’re new to beginner guitar lessons online through YouTube, click here to head to the front page of our channel where you’ll find over 70 free instructional videos designed to push you forward on guitar.
Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – Instagram Content
By now, you’re probably at least slightly familiar with how social media works.
Instagram is an amazing place to learn guitar because many content creators (ourselves included) create content specifically for that platform.
As Instagram supports both photo and video content, it’s very easy to find new beginner guitar lessons online through the Explore page on the platform.
Instagram makes it easy to follow your favourite creators and stay up to date with everything they publish online, so make sure to hit that Follow button!
Pro Tip: Instagram will customize your feed to show you the content you want to see, so the more guitar teachers you follow, the more content you will be exposed to.
You can also follow specific hashtags in order to see a variety of content in different niches.
Try searching for any of the following hashtags for some free beginner guitar lessons online through Instagram:
- #guitarlessons
- #learnguitar
- #learnguitareasy
- #learnguitaronline
- #freeguitarlessons
If you want more free beginner guitar lessons online from your friends at National Guitar Academy (as well as to have some input on the content we create next for Instagram), then click here to check out our IG page!
Beginner Guitar Lessons Online – Facebook Groups
On the topic of social media, Facebook groups are another great place to find free guitar lessons.
The best part about Facebook is the communities it allows us to build quite easily with other like-minded people
If you’re looking for beginner guitar lessons online that allow you to ask other people questions while you learn, Facebook groups are a great place to get started.
The big advantage here is that a lot of music-focused Facebook groups draw players of the same or similar level, meaning that you have plenty of room for productive and inspiring conversations with players who are going through a similar time as you on guitar.
Pro Tip: More highly-focused Facebook groups will give you a better experience on social media than more broad groups will.
Our open Facebook group prides itself on a positive atmosphere that helps guitarists thrive by answering questions in detail and with links to relevant lessons.
By delivering lesson suggestions every day online, we’re able to keep our community thriving on the guitar on a day-to-day basis. We don’t know about you, but that makes us feel pretty awesome.
If you’re looking for daily beginner guitar lessons online sent straight to your Facebook news feed (and some good vibes too), click here to join our open Facebook group.
Download our lead guitar cheat-sheet to make things easier
It's hard to understand which scales work with which keys.
So we created a cheat-sheet! A key and scale-finder that you can use again and again.
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Sign Up For Mailing Lists!
Your email inbox doesn’t have to be a pool of spam!
We know – crazy, right?
But seriously, there are some great mailing lists out there that provide some serious value for the cost of your email address.
The frequency of emails depends on the mailing list, but every email you receive will be full of useful information that you can apply to your playing.
Sometimes you’ll even get advanced notice and promos on courses and other paid material if you’re looking to step into something more structured. It’s a win-win really!
When it comes to beginner guitar lessons online, email lists are a great place to start with a series of broad information that will point you in the right direction.
These lists are often a place where a creator will voice their revelations that they’ve had that week in regards to music. This means that you get a tonne of inspiration from someone who’s been in your shoes before, meaning you can relate a little easier.
Email lists are often candid and ultra-motivational, sometimes even a little conversational. They’re definitely worth signing up for in exchange for free info.
Pro Tip: If you want to get started filling up your inbox with some motivational guitar content, click here to visit our homepage and join our mailing list!
Keep An Index Of Resources
Here’s where things get super important – let’s talk about how to stay organized.
Organization leads to a clear thought process, and a clear thought process leads to better learning.
If you’re learning on your own using beginner guitar lessons online, the best thing you can do is keep a folder on your computer with saved links to your favourite and most helpful lessons.
Make 5 folders for yourself (and click the folder titles for a lesson you can add to each):
Once you’ve collected some solid lessons for each of these folders, you can decide what you want to work on that day and bring up the relevant beginner guitar lessons online.
Pro Tip: Goal-setting is super-important! Make a list of what you want to accomplish each week (or month, depending on time) on the guitar and check your accomplishments off as you smash through them.
There’s something highly motivational about crossing a goal off of a list, and we recommend everyone do it to boost their sense of confidence on their instrument.
Bonus Pro Tip: It might sound rudimentary, but little things like crossing goals off a list help push our brain toward progress.
Visually representing your accomplishments on paper will stimulate the mind and make you feel great about the work that you’ve been putting in. It’s also a great opportunity to pat yourself on the back, and why shouldn’t you?
Tips For Finding More Beginner Guitar Lessons Online
There are some amazing guitar instructors out there with years of experience waiting to teach you, you’ve just got to know where to find them!
Every online teacher has their own approach to creating beginner guitar lessons online, and that’s one of the best parts about it all.
It’s important to find a teaching approach that works for you. When you do, you’ll find that you learn faster and more easily.
Check out a few of our favourite other guitar teachers below on YouTube for some more great guitar content:
Recommended Resources
If you loved this lesson on where to find beginner guitar lessons online, you’re going to love the ones we’ve got laid out for you below. Stick around for more free lessons from your friends at National Guitar Academy!
- How To Play In Time
- The Ultimate Guide To Strumming Techniques
- How To Read Guitar Tabs
- Guitar Tutorial – The Ultimate Guide
- Learn Guitar Scales In 8 Easy Steps
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- Beginner Song library with chordsheets, tabs and tips. (Songs suitable for all levels!)
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