This chord is fantastic for beginners as it only uses 3 fingers.
It can be tricky to squeeze the fingers into place, however once you have this chord down you’ll be rocking out in no time.
Here’s the chord box:
To play this Bb guitar chord:
Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the G string. (3rd string.)
Place your 4th finger on the 3rd fret of the B string (2nd string.)
Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the high E string. (1st string.)
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This Bb guitar chord uses the exact same shape as the ‘A major chord’.
Let’s compare. Here’s the A chord:
If you already know how to play the standard A major chord, just move this shape to the 3rd fret.
Here’s the Bb guitar chord:
To play this chord:
Place your 1st finger on the 3rd fret of the D string. (4th string.)
Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret of the G string. (3rd string.)
Place your 3rd Finger on the 3rd fret of the B string. (2nd string.)
Learning the guitar is good for you, it’s scientifically proven. Check out this article by Guitar World to find out more:10 Scientifically Proven Reasons You Should Play Guitar
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I don’t want to cut corners, let me learn the hard guitar chords first!
If you’re a complete beginner, the quickest way to learn guitar is to learn the EASIEST chords first. Learning more advanced guitar chords stunts your progress.
It’s far better to learn easy chords first, then when you’re ready, you can ‘graduate’ to more advanced chords.
That way you’re gradually preparing yourself for each step of your guitar journey.
When you’re first learning how to play guitar, it’s far more important to play MUSIC than focus on advanced guitar chords. Do your guitar progress a favour and learn how to play some super-simple songs.
Here’s a quick and easy tip which will help you remember guitar chords at lightening speed.
Once you’ve played a chord correctly, squeeze your fretting hand 5 times.
This chord hack will help you learn chords quickly and effectively. However, it’s important that you play the chord correctly BEFORE you squeeze your hand.
If the chord is incorrect, and you squeeze your hand, you’ll be teaching your hand to remember the chord wrong.
What about other chords?
If you want to become an epic guitarist, you must know how to play other guitar chords.
Here’s a list of essential chords that you must know.
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