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Top 10 Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar

Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 5 – Bob Marley – “Stir It Up”

This song does a pretty good job of lifting spirits with its smooth reggae vibe. Have a listen:


Marley first wrote and performed this song in 1967, but the rest of the world was slow to catch on.

It became a hit outside Jamaica with Johnny Nash’s version in 1973. Here are your chords:

A (x02220)

D (xx0232)

E (022100)

The progression for the entire song goes like this:


The thing that most defines a reggae rhythm is the accented beats on two and four instead of one and three. Strictly speaking, you’d strum like this: -, down-up, -, down-up.

Without a bass player however, you need something to happen on the downbeat! Try picking the root of the chord on the downbeat: A string, down-up, -, down-up.

That will give you something to hang on to.


Pro-Tip: Reggae is amazing for your general rhythm skills.

Once you get used to playing on beats two and four, there are tons of wonderful and easy songs to sing and play on guitar that you can learn to play.

Better yet, you can adapt other songs you already know with a reggae rhythm for your own version!

Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 6 – The Beatles – “I’ve Just Seen A Face”

The Beatles have a few easy songs to sing and play on guitar, and they are all gems.

This song is no exception:


The song is in the key of A, but in true bluegrass style, you’ll play it with shapes from the key of G.

You can put a capo on the second fret to play along with the recording.

Here are the four chords you’ll need:

G (320003)

Em (022000)

C (x32010)

D (xx0232)

This tune contains two parts and a tag. The chord progression for the verse is this:


Em Em Em Em


The refrain, “Falling, yes I am falling,” has this chord progression:




The rhythm of the lyrics to this song slot in nicely to the strumming pattern, a good feature of many easy songs to sing and play on guitar.

To strum this song, you can perform a quick down, down, down-up, down-up.

If you want to emulate a bass track like the guitars do in the recording, you can replace the strum on the downbeat with picking the lowest string of the chord (typically the root note)

For G and Em, it’s the low E string. For C, it’s the A string. For D, it’s the D string. For more on root notes, take a look at this lesson on root notes.


Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 7 – John Denver – “Leaving On A Jet Plane”

This is one of John Denver’s easy songs to sing and play on guitar. Take a listen to Denver and Cass Elliott beautiful duet below:


This song is a joy to sing and play, and it is dead simple. You only need three chords!

A (x02220)

D (xx0232)

E (022100)

This is another chord cycle song, meaning that the same progression happens throughout the verse and chorus.

It goes like this:



To strum this song, try one of the following patterns:

  • Down, down-up, -up, down-up
  • Down, down-up, down, down-up
  • Continuous down-up strum in a swing rhythm

To strum in a swing rhythm, just make the downward strum a little longer than the upward strum, as if your arm is heavy.


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Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 8 – Robert Johnson – “Cross Road Blues”

Here’s where the legend was born: Robert Johnson’s version of “Cross Road Blues.”


Cross Road Blues is a standard 12-bar blues that can really be played in any key.

Cream was known to play it in A, but we’re going to play it in D, because the bluesy chords sound really cool in that key.

They’re also a bit easier on the hands:

D7 (xx0212)

G7 (320001)

A7 (x02020)

If you don’t memorize any other chord progressions in this lesson, be sure to memorize this one, because it has been used in thousands of songs over the last century:

D7 D7 D7 D7

G7 G7 D7 D7

A7 A7 D7 D7

For a more driving rhythm, try strumming down-up, -up, -up, -up.

If you like it more laid back, strum a continuous down-up rhythm with a slower swing feel.


Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 9 – The Who – “Squeeze Box”

Along with “The Kids Are Alright,” “Squeeze Box” is one of The Who’s more accessible and easy songs to sing and play on guitar.


“Squeeze Box” appears on their 1975 album, The Who By Numbers.

This tune is in the key of G, and here are the three chords you’ll need to play:

G (320003)

C (x32010)

D (xx0232)

After a few alternating strums of G and D, the song’s structure is just repeating verses.

Check out the chord progression below:




The song uses a continuous straight down-up strum to drive the rhythm, which makes it one of your easy songs to sing and play on guitar with very little stress on the picking hand.


Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar 10 – Rolling Stones – “It’s All Over Now”

With decades of all sorts of interesting and easy songs to sing and play on guitar, “It’s All Over Now” is one of the most satisfying!


“It’s All Over Now” was written by Bobby and Shirley Womack and released in 1964. When the Stones heard it, they recorded it nine days later at famous blues studio Chess Records in Chicago.

It’s in the key of G, and you’ll need four chords to jam this tune:

G (320003)

F (XX3211)

D (XX0232)

C (X32010)

The intro plays this progression twice:

|G F| C D|

Here is the chord progression for the verses:





The melody (yelled by vocalist Mick Jagger), is as simple as that of many of the other easy songs to sing and play on guitar from this list.

You can strum this song with a continuous downward strum to simulate that lovely chunky groove in the recording.


Practicing Your Easy Songs To Sing And Play On Guitar

It’s always a good idea to build up your guitar arrangements from the simplest elements.

  • Start by singing and playing the chords at the chord changes, and layer on more intricate rhythms when you’re comfortable.
  • While you’re at it, check out this article from Guitar World on singing and playing guitar.
  • Practice at length for the best results – nothing good comes without plenty of practice!

Recommended Resources

If you enjoyed reading through our top 10 easy songs to sing and play on guitar, you’ll love the additional resources we have for you below!


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